Zenith 12 XP Uživatelský manuál

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Zenith 12 XP
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 12 13

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Strany 2

Photography with FlashThe meter cannot be used when taking flash pictures as theburst of light is too short. In all cases the Speed Dial [1]must be s

Strany 3

For exposures longer than the meter range (1/30th at f/2)the "B" setting on the Speed Dial [1] must be used. Theexposure should be det

Strany 4

The Self Timer [7j provides about a seven second delay inthe firing of the shutter and enables you to get into thepicture yourself. Flash can be us

Strany 5 - Using the Camera

Changing the BatteriesThe Meter is powered by two Mallory D386 cells whichshould be changed every twelve months. To remove. Place coin in slo

Strany 6 - Depth of Field

To get the best results from your Zenith study these instructions thoroughly to makesure you are familiar with the essential features of the camera be

Strany 7 - Using the meter

Loading the Camera - Step by step instructions Always load the camera in subdued light; if outdoorsshield from direct sunlight. Make sure that

Strany 8 - Set Film Speed

[22] slots ensuring that the second hole engages with atooth on the spool. Ease film forward by swat strokes ofTransport Lever [2] until it stops.

Strany 9

Using the CameraSet the Speed Dial [1 ] appropriately according to thesubject. The dial is marked in figures that representfractions

Strany 10 - Photography with Flash

Depth of Field The lens is also provided with a scale calibrated in metersbut it will seldom be necessary to refer to this.This is the depth of field

Strany 11

Using the meterHaving focused on the subject set the Lens Aperture Ring[9] in the middle of the range (say f/8) and press th

Strany 12

Set Film SpeedIn the cut-outs in the Aperture Indicator Dial [15a] there are two scales for ferrisrated in ASA and DIN. Set the speed of the film in u

Strany 13 - Changing the Batteries

Removing Exposed Film - Step by step instructions Replace the lens cap to prevent accidental exposure of filmduring rewinding. Press Shutter Release B

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