Zenith IQVB425 Manuál s instrukcemi

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Strany 1 - ,ach

,ach|ne number IQVB425operating guide / warranty

Strany 2 - WARNING:

PAGE 10 I INSTALLATIONThings you must do before you can operate yOUTVCR.Connect the Power(Required) Plug your VCRinto an unswitched120 Vac, 60 Hz hous

Strany 3 - SAFETY T]PS I PAGE 3

INSTALLATION I PAGE 11Some things you must do and others you may want to do before you can operate your VCR.Select Language for VCR Menus/Displays(Opt

Strany 4 - I SAFETY TIPS

PAGE 12 I INSTALLATIONThingsyou may want to do before you operate your VCR.Use CH. ADD/DEL to Create FavoriteChannels(Optional) Use CH. ADD/DEL to cha


INSTALLATION I PAGE 13Before you can record programswith VCRPtus+®C3,you must teLLthis VCRthe PlusCodeTM channels for your area.IntroductionThese Plus

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PAGE 14 I INSTALLATIONBeforeyou can record programswith VCRP[us+®C3, you must tel[ this VCRthe PiusCodeTM channeLsfor your area.CabLeBox DBSTunesto OR

Strany 7 - ConnectionsWith a CabLe Box

INSTALLATION I PAGE 15Beforeyou canrecordprogramswlth VCRPtus+®C3,you must tell this VCRthe PtusCodeTM channelsfor your area.On-Screen Instructions fo

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PAGE 16 I ZNSTALLATZONBeforeyoucan recordprogramswith VCRPlus÷®C_,youmusttell this VCRthe PlusCedeTM channelsforyourarea.Channel Mapping WorksheetsCha

Strany 9 - TIMER AUDIO

CONTROLS AND DISPLAYS I PAGE 17Descriptions of items you need to know to operate your VCR.Front Pane| ControlsThese controls perform basic VCRoperatio

Strany 10 - Seethe AUDIOMenufor details

PAGE 18 I CONTROLS AND DISPLAYSnformation appears in the Front Pane[ DispLaydepending on the VCRfunction being used.Counter memory indlcatorVCRindicat

Strany 11 - I PAGE 11

CONTROLS AND DISPLAYS I PAGE lgOn-ScreendispLaysteLLyou the status of the tape inserted and VCRfunctions.Current mode of operation(STOP,PAUSE,RECORD,P


RECORDYOURRODELNUMBER |(Noe,whiteyoucanseeit)The mode[and serial numberof your new VCRare locatedon the back of the VCRcabinet. Foryour future conveni


PAGE 20 I OPERATIONA quick list of all the buttons on your remote control and what they do,RemoteControt OperationSelect VCR Mode,aimatVCR÷Select DVD


OPERATION I PAGE 21Your remote control operates the commonfeatures of most, but not aLL,models and brands of IR (infrared) controLLedTVs,cable convert

Strany 15 - "=°

PAGE 22 I OPERATIONPLayback,log-ShuttLe Operation (For Special Video Effects)KeysUsedforSpedat EffectsPLAy for normalPLayback speedPAUSE for StiLLPlAy

Strany 16 - TM channelsforyourarea

OPERATION I PAGE 23The Clock Menu sets the clock in the VCRto the current time. There are two options AUTOand MANUAL.Auto Clock SetAUTOautomaticaLLyse

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PAGE 24 I OPERATIONTheTIMERMenuteLLstheVCR whentorecorda programon adayand ata timeyou specify.You canspecifyeightdifferenteventstobe recordedina one-

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OPERATION I PAGE 25The SETUP Menu customizesthe VCR'soperationforyour particularneeds.ChooseSETUP Menu as describedin"How to AccessMenus&quo

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PAGE 26 I OPERATIONThe AUDIO Menu specifiesthe audio format to be used when recording or pLayinga tape.Audio menu's PLAYBACKand RECORDoptions are

Strany 20 - ]nstaLUngBatteries

OPERATION I PAGE Z7This page shows a typical video system and explains howto select channels.All-Channel,AntenflaCable 1"€W_k-- Direct £ab_ Or),_

Strany 21 - OPERATION I PAGE 21

PAGE 28 I OPERATIONThis page describeshow to connect a camcorderto your VCR.FrontPanelof StereoVCRMo_• If • *A/Vcableis notYovldedwithVCR.SeLectAUX fo

Strany 22 - 3og Wheel0peraUon

OPERATION I PAGE 29This page explains the basics of playing tapes in your VCR.Automatic Playback (No Safety Tab)1. Tape playback begins automatically,

Strany 23 - OPERATION I PAGE 23

SAFETY T]PS I PAGE 3These simple precautions will help ensure that you get many years of safe enjoyment from your new product.1.2,Read InstructionsRea

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PAGE 30 I OPERATIONThispage explainshow to use the remoteto playtapeson yourVCR.Auto/Manua[ TrackingAdjustmentYour VCRadjusts tracking automaticalLy w

Strany 25 - OPERATION I PAGE 25

OPERATIOH I PAGE 31Recording what you are watching on TV.OptionsYou Can Use White RecordingInstant recording tets you record unlit you reach the end o

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PAGE32 I OPERATIONRecording using preset time periods.Preset Time Periods for ITR Recording.Note:Preset recording Ume counts down until the recording

Strany 27 - Zenith TV

OPERATION J PAGE 33Recording one show white watching another.Note:If you have a cable box connected to your VCR,you cannotrecord one show and watch an

Strany 28 - Camcorder

PAGE 34 I OPERATIONThis page explains how to use the Timer so that you can record while you are away.SpeakEZCLOCK ITIMERSETUpA_mIOPressnumber keysOUIT

Strany 29 - TT:°l°2o

RecordingWithPLusCodeTNprogram Numbers.OPERATION I PAGE 35MIDNIGHT12:00(_ In the Heat of the _ghtLana'sinherited homeplaysanimportant partin a mo

Strany 30 - --CM SKIP

PAGE 36 I TROUBLESHOOTINGSomequickandeasytips to fixingprobLemsyourseLf.Before CalUng for ServicePlease refer to this chart before caLlingfor service.

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Some quick and easy tips to fixing problems yourself.TROUBLESHOOTING I PAGE 37Channel Tuning ProbLemsObserved CondiUonSome channels are skipped over w

Strany 32 - PAGE32 I OPERATION

PAGE 38 I TROUBLESHOOTINGSome quick and easy tips to fixing problems yourseLf.Stereo Audio Record and/or PLayback ProblemsObsewed ConditionStereo is n

Strany 33 - © © Q cZ)

SPECIFICATIONS I PAGE 3gGENERALHead SystemPowerSourcePowerConsumptionnimensionsOperatingTemperatureOperating HumidityTimerWeightTape SpeedTape WidthMa

Strany 34 - PAGE 34 I OPERATION

I SAFETY TIPSThese simpte precautions WIU heLpensure that you get many years of safe enjoyment from your new product.25. LightningFor added protection

Strany 35 - (6o rains)52228

VHS TAPE REWINDERMost repair work on VCRsand Camcorders is due to excessiverewindinq. Protong the Life of your video equipment with ourrewinder r[zE.,

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Strany 39 - Stgna& to Noise Ratio

VIDEOCASSETTERECORDERORPLAYERWelcomeinto the Zenithfamily!Webelievethatyou wiLlbe pleasedwith your newZenith EntertainmentMachine.PLeasereadthis warra

Strany 40 - [zE.,olONLY$14.99 _,_,:.;5


Strany 41 - NOTES I PAGE 41

PAGE 6 I XNSTALLATIONThispageshowsthe featuresof yourVCRandthe differencesbetweenthe models.FEATURESVCRP[us+®C3 RecordingSystemAuto SetupSystem(CLock&

Strany 42 - PAGE42 I NOTES

INSTALLATION I PAGE 7Requiredconnectionsfor yourVCR.Connections Without a CabLe BoxBack PaneLof Stereo VCRAntennaFLatWire(300 ohm)AdaptorOR (Not proOR

Strany 43 - NOTESI PAGE43

PAGE 8 I INSTALLATIONOpUona[ connections for your VCR.Audio/Video (A/V) Connections to TVUse A/V connections for a better picture.Back Pane[of Stereo

Strany 44 - big of salaor a

INSTALLATION I PAGE gThingsyou must do before you can operate your VCR.CLOCKMENUAUTO CLOCKSET(ON):[]MANUALCLOCKSET :NPressnumberkeysQUIT=exitCLOCKfPRO

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