Zenith VRA421 Specifikace

Procházejte online nebo si stáhněte Specifikace pro Kazetové přehrávače Zenith VRA421. Zenith VRA421 Specifications Uživatelská příručka

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Strany 1

_211z e n i t h_enterta| nment mach| nes0ReCo

Strany 2 - WARNING:

PAGE 10 I CONTROLS AND DISPLAYSDescriptionsof items youneedto knowto operateyour VCR.Front Panel ControLsThesecontrols performbasicVCRoperations.The R

Strany 3

CONTROLS AND DISPLAYS I PAGE 11Current mode of operation(STOP,PAUSE,RECORD,PLAY,etc.)and audioformat of tape, wherePtay-.}iI-F! or NORMAL(Nodisplay)Ta

Strany 4 - Connections With a Cable Box

PAGE 12fA quickListof aLLthebuttonsonyour remotecontrolandwhat they do.I OPERATIONCH (V/A) -- Changesfavoritechannel List. ALsoselectsAUXA/Vinput chan

Strany 5 - I PAG E 5


Strany 6 - ,u,oo: K: L:ON

PA G E 14fThe CLockMenu setsthe clockinVCRto thecurrenttime.I OPERATIONHow to Access Auto Dayttght SavingThisVCRcanadjust the clock automaticallyfor D

Strany 7 - I '°--NU1

OPERATION I PAGE 15Youcanspecifyeightdifferentevents to be recordedin a one-yearperiod."CLOCK"TIEllnSETUPAUDIO_ num_k_m• QUIT=exit=AV = / OA

Strany 8 - I '

PAGE 16The SETUPMenuustomizesthe VCR'seration foryourPar_n'eCU_ar"I OPERATIONChooseSETUPMenuas describedin_How to AccessMenus."rSE

Strany 9 - ' / H:o':MA

The AUDIO Menu indicatesthe audio format usedwhen recording or pbyinga tape. Choose AUDIOMenu as described in"How to Access Menus."Press ENT

Strany 10 - LEDFront P;net Indicators

PAGE 18fThispageshowsatypical videosystemandexplains howto select_'channeLs.I OPERATIONCable"IVW_k _nect Cab_ _OrT_c_cable Box'IV IN OU

Strany 11

OPERATION J PAGE 19BackPane[of StereoVCRVHFIUHFICATV-1- _nDEO--I4VA/V cabte is not provided with VCR.lIITurn off power or unplug VCRbefore making any

Strany 12 - Instat

SAFETY TIPS:Refer to the "Safety Tips" Leaflet thatcame with your product for ImportantSafety Instructions.RECORDYOURMODELNUMBER |(Now,while

Strany 13 - - (3_ (3_ (_

LPAGE 20fThis pageexplainsthebasicsofplayingtapesin yourVCR.I OPERATIONAutomatic Playback (No Safety Tab)1. TapeplaybackbeginsautomaticaLLy,if the saf

Strany 14 - CLOCKMENU

Auto/Manuat Tracking AdjustmentYourVCRadjuststracking automaticallywhenyou playa tape. If the tape was recordedona different VCR,streaks(video noise)

Strany 15 - (sPor EP)

PAGE 22fRecordingwhat you arewatchingon TV.I OPERATIONOpUons You Can Use White RecordingInstant recording[etsyou recorduntil you reachthe end of tape

Strany 16

IOPERATION PAG E 2 3Preset Time Periods for ITR Recording.Note:Preset recordingtime counts downuntil the record-ing tim_ is over.Instant (attended) Ti

Strany 17 - OPERATION I " PAGE 17

PAGE 24 I OPERATIONfRecordingone showwhilewatchinganother.Note:If you have a cable box connectedto yourVCR,youcannot recordoneshowand watch another.Ch

Strany 18 - I"LI/t


Strany 19 - OPERATION J PAGE 19

PAGE 26 I TROUBLESHOOTINGSomequickand easytipsto fixingproblemsyourself.Before Calling for ServicePleaserefer to this chart beforecalling for service.

Strany 20 - SafeLyTab I

TROUBLESHOOTING I PAGE 27Channel Tuning ProblemsPossibleCause Probable SolutionThosechannels were deletedwith the CH.ADD/DELoption.Observed ConditionS

Strany 21 - FastForward)

PAGE 28fSomequickandeasy tipsto fixingproblemsyoursetf.I TROUBLESHOOTINGMoisture CondensaUonIn tocations wheremoisture condensationmayOccur:Moisture c

Strany 22 - (Presetrecordingtimes)

FEATURE PAGEAudio'Menu... 17Auto ChannelSearch ... 8, 16Connections ...

Strany 23 - Remote's Controls

INSTALLATION I PAGE 3FEATURES VRA211 VRA411 VRA421SpeakEZFunction X X X2-Heads X N/A N/Am-4-Heads(SpecialVideoEffects) N/A X XFullLoad/QuickStart X X

Strany 24 - VCR's ControLs

STEREO SURROUND SOUND SPEAKERSFor u.se with any Surround Sound compatible TV. Thesesp_eakers create a sound so reaL, it's as if you were partof t

Strany 25 - MAIN MENU

NOTESI PA G E 3 1Usethis pageto makesnotes.JJ

Strany 26 - Tape playback does not appear

VIDEOCASSETTERECORDEROR PLAYERWeLcomeinto the Zenith family! We beUevethat you wit| be pleasedwith your newZenith EntertainmentMachine.PLeaseread this


PAGE +4 I INSTALLATIONfRequiredconnectionsfor your VCRConnections Without a Cable BoxTum off power or unplug VCRbefore making any connections.Connecti

Strany 28

Audio/Video (A/V) Connections to TVUse A/V connections for a better picture.INSTALLATIONI PAG E 5OpUonalconnectionsfor your VCRBack Panelof Stereo VCR

Strany 29 - I AGE 29

PAGE 6fThingsyoumustdobefore youcanoperateyourVCRI INSTALLATION,u,oo: K: L:ONlION BOFFMANUAL CLOCK SET:_PressnumberkeY_T" =ex.CLOCKPROGRAM0MONTH:

Strany 30 - I'I._$17.95

INSTALLATION I PAGE 7How to Access Menus1. PressMENUto see Main Menu.2. Press NUMBER (1, 2, 3, or 4) to seedesired sub menu to be used.3. Press NUMBER

Strany 31

PAG E 8fSome thingsyou must doand othersyou maywant to dobefore youcan operateyour VCRJ INSTALLATIONSet Date and Time for Clock(Required) Set the cloc


INSTALLATION I PAGE 9Setect Other Menu OptionsYoumay not want to have the clockinyour VCRadjustedautomaticallyforDaylightSavingTime. Referto CLockMenu

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