,acMne numbers I VRB210 I VRB410 I VRB420_IERGYSTAR® qoperating guide / warranty
PAGE 10 I INSTALLATIONThingsyou must do beforeyou can operateyour VCR.Connect the Power(Required) Plug your VCR into an unswitched120 Vac, 60 Hz house
INSTALLATION I PAGE 11Somethings you must do and others you maywant to do beforeyou can operateyour VCR.Set Date and Time for Clock(Required) Set the
PAGE 12 IINSTALLATIONThingsyou may want to do before you operateyour VCR.SeLect Other Menu OpUonsYoumay not want to havethe clock in your VCRadjusteda
CONTROLS AND DISPLAYS I PAGE 13Descriptionsof items you need to knowto operateyour VCR.Front PaneLControLsThesecontrolsperformbasic VCRoperations.The
PAGE 14 J CONTROLS AND DISPLAYS)n-ScreendispLaysteLLyou the status of the tape inserted and VCRfunctions.Currentmodeof operation(STOP,PAUSE,RECORD,PLA
OPERATION I PAGE 15A quickEst of all.the buttons on your remote control and what they do.CH (V/A) -- ChannelSeLectors.ALsoselectsAUX TurnsVCRA/V input
PAGE 16 I OPERATIONThe Clock Menu sets the clockin VCRto the current time.HOW to Access Auto Daylight Savings TimeThis VCRcan adjust the clock automat
OPERATION J PAGE 17The TIMERMenuteLLsthe VCRwhen to recorda programon a day and at a time you specify.You can specify eight different events to be rec
PAGE !8 I OPERATIONThe SETUPMenucustomizesthe VCR'soperaUonfor your particularneeds.ChooseSETUPMenuas describedin_How to AccessMenus"on page
OPERATION I PAGE 19TheAUDIO Menu specifiesthe audio format to be usedwhen recordingor playinga tape.(Audio menu's PLAYBACKand RECORDoptionsare av
RECORDYOURMODELNUMBER l(Now,whileyoucanseeit)/The modeland serialnumberof yournew VCRare Locatedon the backof the VCRcabinet.Foryour future convenienc
PAGE 20 I OPERATIONThis page showsa typical video systemand explainshowto seLectchanneLs.AIL-Chamne|,AntennaCableWw_ • Or7TypicaLCableBox_tem I _ _Ou_
OPERATION I PAGE 21This page describeshow to connect a camcorderto your VCR.BackPaneLof StereoVCRA Tumoff poweror unplugVCRbeforemakingany connections
PAGE 22 J OPERATZONThis pageexplainsthe basicsof playingtapes in your VCR.Automatic Playback (No Safety Tab)1. Tape playbackbeginsautomaticaLLy,if the
OPERATION I PAGE 23This page explainshow to usethe remote to pLaytapes on your VCR.Auto/ManuaL Tracking AdjustmentYourVCRadjuststrackingautomaticatLyw
PAGE 24 I OPERATIONRecordingwhat you are watching on W.Options You Can Use While RecordingInstant recordinglets you recorduntil you reachthe end oftap
OPERATION ] PAGE 25Recordingusing presettime periods.Preset Time Periods for [TR Recording.Note:Presetrecordingtime countsdown until the recording tim
PAGE 26 I OPERATZONRecordingoneshow white watching another.Note:If you have a cable box connectedto your VCR,you cannotrecordone showand watch another
OPERATZON J PAGE 27Thispage explainshowto use the Timersothat you can recordwhile you are away.$peakEZCLOCK !11UERSETUPAUDIOPress number keysQUIT = ex
PAGE ?8 I TROUBLESHOOT]NGSomequickand easytips to fixing problemsyourself.Before Catting for ServicePLeasereferto this chart before caLUngfor service.
TROUBLESHOOTING I PAGE 29Somequick and easytips to fixing problemsyourself.ObservedConditionSomechannelsare skippedover whenusingCH (V/A).Pictureand s
SAFETY TIPS I PAGE 3Thesesimple precauUonswiLLhelp ensurethat you get many yearsof safe enjoyment fromyour new product.1o2.3*4*5.6.7°Read Instructions
PAGE 30 I TROUBLESHOOTINGSomequick and easyLipsto fixing problemsyourself.MoistureCondensationMoisture condensation can occur:• When the video recorde
SPECIFICATIONSI PAGE 31GENERALHeadSystemPowerSourcePowerConsumptionDimensionsOperatingTemperatureOperatingHum|d_yTimerWeightTapeSpeed(WxHxD)TapewidthM
VHS TAPE REWINDERMost repair work on VCRs and Camcorders is due to excessiverewindinq. ProLongthe Life of your video equipment with ourrewinder rONLY$
V]OEOCASSETTERECORDERO_PLAYERWeLcomeinto theZenithfamily!Webe_ that youwill bepleasedw_h_r newZenithEntevrtainrnentMachine._easereadthiswamntycarefoL_
I SAFETY TIPSThesesimpl,eprecautionsv_ll,help ensurethat you get manyyearsof safe enjoyment from your new product.15. Ughtn|ngForadded protectionforth
PAGE 6 IINSTALLATIONThis pageshowsthe featuresof your VCRand the differencesbetweenthe models.FEATURES VRB210 VRB410 VRB420SpeakEZFunction X X Xg-Head
RequiredconnectionsforyourVCR.Connections Without a Cable BoxINSTALLATION ] PAGE 7BackPane[of Stereo VCRThis came is providedwith your VCR.AntennaRat
PAGE 8 I INSTALLATIONOpUonaLconnectionsfor your VCR.Audio/Video (A/V) ConnecUons to TVUse A/V connectionsfor a better picture.BackPaneLof StereoVCRVHF
Thingsyou must do beforeyou can operate your VCR.INSTALLATION I PA G E 9CLOCK MENUAUTO DAYUGHT SAVING:ONBON I_OFFMANUAL CLOCK SET:IJ]PressnumberkeysQU
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