machine number I VRB211 VRB411 VRB412 VRB421Y STAR® Partmhas determinedNERGYSTAR®operating guide / warranty
PAGE 10 I INSTALLATIONThings you must do before you can operate your VCR.Connect the Power(Required) PLugyour VCRinto an unswitched120 Vac,60 Hz house
INSTALLATION I PAGE 11Somethings you must do and othersyou may want to do before you can operate your VCR.Set Date and Time for ClockSet the c(ockin t
PAGE 12 I INSTALLATIONThingsyou maywant to do beforeyou operateyour VCR.Select Other Menu OpUonsShow or hide the VCRstatus on your screenbyusingthe ON
CONTROLS AND DISPLAYS I PAGE 13Descriptionsofitemsyou needto know tooperateyourVCR.Front Panel Contro[sThesecontrols perform basic VCRoperations--some
PAGE 14 I CONTROLS AND DISPLAYSOn-Screendisplaystell you the status of the tape inserted and VCRfunctions.Currentmodeof operation(STOP,PAUSE,RECORD,PL
OPERATION I PAGE 15A quickList of at[ the buttons onyour remotecontroland what they do.CH (V/A) -- ChanneLSelectors. ALsoselectsAUXA/V input channelTu
PAGE 16 I OPERATIONThe CLock Menu sets the cLockin the VCR to the current time. There are two options AUTO and MANUAL.Auto Clock SotAUTOautomaticaLLys
OPERATION I PAGE 17TheTIMER Menu tel.lstheVCR when to recorda programon a dayand ata Ume you speci_.You can specifyeightdifferenteventsto be recordedi
PAGE 18 I OPERATIONThe SETUP Menu customizestheVCR'soperationforyourparticularneeds.ChooseSETUP Menu as describedin"How to AccessMenus"
OPERATION I PAGE 19The AUDIOMenu specifiesthe audio format to be used when recording or prayinga tape.(Audiomenu'sPLAYBACKand RECORDoptions are a
RECORDYOURMODELNUMBER |(Now,whiteyoucanseeit)/The model and serialnumberof your new VCRareLocatedonthe backofthe VCRcabinet. Foryourfuture convenience
PAGE 20 I OPERATIONThis page showsa typical video system and explainshow to select channels.ALL-ChanneL,Antenna_bLe WW_ck-- DirectCabLe OrTypicalCa_ B
OPERATION I PAGE 21This page describeshowto connecta camcorderto your VCR.Back Panel of Stereo VCRVIDE_)_LIT VHF/UHF/CATVVA/V cable is not provided wi
PAGE 22 I OPERATIONThispage explains the basicsof playing tapes in your VCR.Automatic Playback (No Safety Tab)1. Tape playbackbeginsautomaUcaliy,if th
OPERATION I PAGE 23This page explains how to use the remote to play tapes on your VCR.Auto/Manuat Tracking AdjustmentYourVCRadjuststracking automatica
PAGE 24 [ OPERATIONRecordingwhatyou arewatchingon IV.Options You Can Use White RecordingInstant recording Letsyou record untiLyou reachthe end oftape
OPERATION I PAGE 25Recordingusing presettime periods.Preset Time Periods for ITR Recording.Note:Presetrecording Ume counts down unULthe recording time
PAGE 26 I OPERATIONRecording one show white watching another.Note:If you havea cable boxconnectedto your VCR,you cannotrecord one showand watch anothe
OPERATION I PAGE 27This page explains how to usethe Timer sothat you can recordwhite you are away.SpeakEZCLOCKTIMERSETUPAUDIOPressnumberkeysQUIT=exitM
PAGE 28 I TROUBLESHOOTINGSomequick and easytips to fixing problemsyourself.Before Calling for ServicePLeasereferto this chart before calling for servi
TROUBLESHOOTING I PAGE 29Some quick and easy tips to fixing problems yourself.ObservedConditionSome channelsare skippedover whenusingCH (V/A).Picturea
SAFETY TIPS {Thesesimple precautionswiLLt_lp ensure that you get many yearsof safe enjoyment from your new product.1,20Read InstructionsReadall of the
PAGE 30 I TROUBLESHOOTINGSomequick and easyUps to fixing probtemsyourse|f.MoistureCondensationMoisture condensation can occur:When the video recorder
SPECIFICATIONSI PAGE 31GENERALHead SystemPower SourcePower ConsumptionDimensionsOperating TemperatureOperating HumidityTimerWeightTape SpeedTapeWidthM
VHS TAPEREWINDERMost repair work on VCRsand Camcorders is due to excessiverewindinq. Prolongthe Ufe of your video equipment with ourrewinder,rZ_N,O,ON
VIDEOCASSEITERECORDEROR PLAYERWelaomeinto the Zenith family! We beLievethat you WIUhe pleasedwith your new Zenith EntertainmentMachine. PLeasereadthis
+ I SAFETY TZPSThesesimple precautionswill help ensurethat you get manyyears of safe enjoyment from your new product.15. LightningForaddedprotectionfo
PAGE 6 IINSTALLATIONThis page showsthe features of your VCRand the differencesbetweenthe models.FEATURES VRB211 VRB411 VRB412 VRB421SpeakEZFunction En
INSTALLATXON I PAGE 7Requiredconnectionsfor yourVCR.Connections Without a Cable BoxBackPanel of Stereo VCRThiscableis provided ._p/withyourVCR.Antenna
PAGE 8 J INSTALLATIONOptional connectionsfor your VCR.Audio/Video (A/V) Connections to TVUseA/V connectionsfor a better picture.BackPanel of StereoVCR
Thingsyou mustdo beforeyou can operateyourVCR.INSTALLATION I PAGE gCLOCKMENUAUTOCLOCKSET(ON):i'llMANUALCLOCKSET :NPressnumberkeysQUIT=exitCLOCK•
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