Zenith VRB421C Manuál s instrukcemi

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Strany 1 - NERGYSTAR®

machine number I VRB211 VRB411 VRB412 VRB421Y STAR® Partmhas determinedNERGYSTAR®operating guide / warranty

Strany 2 - WARNING:

PAGE 10 I INSTALLATIONThings you must do before you can operate your VCR.Connect the Power(Required) PLugyour VCRinto an unswitched120 Vac,60 Hz house

Strany 3 - SAFETY TIPS {

INSTALLATION I PAGE 11Somethings you must do and othersyou may want to do before you can operate your VCR.Set Date and Time for ClockSet the c(ockin t

Strany 4 - + I SAFETY TZPS

PAGE 12 I INSTALLATIONThingsyou maywant to do beforeyou operateyour VCR.Select Other Menu OpUonsShow or hide the VCRstatus on your screenbyusingthe ON


CONTROLS AND DISPLAYS I PAGE 13Descriptionsofitemsyou needto know tooperateyourVCR.Front Panel Contro[sThesecontrols perform basic VCRoperations--some


PAGE 14 I CONTROLS AND DISPLAYSOn-Screendisplaystell you the status of the tape inserted and VCRfunctions.Currentmodeof operation(STOP,PAUSE,RECORD,PL

Strany 7 - Connections With a CaMe Box

OPERATION I PAGE 15A quickList of at[ the buttons onyour remotecontroland what they do.CH (V/A) -- ChanneLSelectors. ALsoselectsAUXA/V input channelTu

Strany 8 - -. AUO,_L- ;N"T

PAGE 16 I OPERATIONThe CLock Menu sets the cLockin the VCR to the current time. There are two options AUTO and MANUAL.Auto Clock SotAUTOautomaticaLLys

Strany 9

OPERATION I PAGE 17TheTIMER Menu tel.lstheVCR when to recorda programon a dayand ata Ume you speci_.You can specifyeightdifferenteventsto be recordedi


PAGE 18 I OPERATIONThe SETUP Menu customizestheVCR'soperationforyourparticularneeds.ChooseSETUP Menu as describedin"How to AccessMenus"


OPERATION I PAGE 19The AUDIOMenu specifiesthe audio format to be used when recording or prayinga tape.(Audiomenu'sPLAYBACKand RECORDoptions are a


RECORDYOURMODELNUMBER |(Now,whiteyoucanseeit)/The model and serialnumberof your new VCRareLocatedonthe backofthe VCRcabinet. Foryourfuture convenience

Strany 13 - #_ I_ Time iS PM

PAGE 20 I OPERATIONThis page showsa typical video system and explainshow to select channels.ALL-ChanneL,Antenna_bLe WW_ck-- DirectCabLe OrTypicalCa_ B

Strany 14 - 7:17AM M-1:35:45

OPERATION I PAGE 21This page describeshowto connecta camcorderto your VCR.Back Panel of Stereo VCRVIDE_)_LIT VHF/UHF/CATVVA/V cable is not provided wi

Strany 15 - Installing Batteries

PAGE 22 I OPERATIONThispage explains the basicsof playing tapes in your VCR.Automatic Playback (No Safety Tab)1. Tape playbackbeginsautomaUcaliy,if th

Strany 16 - PAGE 16 I OPERATION

OPERATION I PAGE 23This page explains how to use the remote to play tapes on your VCR.Auto/Manuat Tracking AdjustmentYourVCRadjuststracking automatica

Strany 17 - (SP or EP)

PAGE 24 [ OPERATIONRecordingwhatyou arewatchingon IV.Options You Can Use White RecordingInstant recording Letsyou record untiLyou reachthe end oftape

Strany 18 - PAGE 18 I OPERATION

OPERATION I PAGE 25Recordingusing presettime periods.Preset Time Periods for ITR Recording.Note:Presetrecording Ume counts down unULthe recording time

Strany 19 - I PAGE 19

PAGE 26 I OPERATIONRecording one show white watching another.Note:If you havea cable boxconnectedto your VCR,you cannotrecord one showand watch anothe

Strany 20

OPERATION I PAGE 27This page explains how to usethe Timer sothat you can recordwhite you are away.SpeakEZCLOCKTIMERSETUPAUDIOPressnumberkeysQUIT=exitM

Strany 21 - Camcorder

PAGE 28 I TROUBLESHOOTINGSomequick and easytips to fixing problemsyourself.Before Calling for ServicePLeasereferto this chart before calling for servi

Strany 22 - PAGE 22 I OPERATION

TROUBLESHOOTING I PAGE 29Some quick and easy tips to fixing problems yourself.ObservedConditionSome channelsare skippedover whenusingCH (V/A).Picturea

Strany 23 - REW(Re nd)J

SAFETY TIPS {Thesesimple precautionswiLLt_lp ensure that you get many yearsof safe enjoyment from your new product.1,20Read InstructionsReadall of the

Strany 24 - Turn TVand VCR on

PAGE 30 I TROUBLESHOOTINGSomequick and easyUps to fixing probtemsyourse|f.MoistureCondensationMoisture condensation can occur:When the video recorder

Strany 25 - I PAGE 25

SPECIFICATIONSI PAGE 31GENERALHead SystemPower SourcePower ConsumptionDimensionsOperating TemperatureOperating HumidityTimerWeightTape SpeedTapeWidthM

Strany 26 - PAGE 26 I OPERATION

VHS TAPEREWINDERMost repair work on VCRsand Camcorders is due to excessiverewindinq. Prolongthe Ufe of your video equipment with ourrewinder,rZ_N,O,ON

Strany 30 - Cabinet Cleaning

VIDEOCASSEITERECORDEROR PLAYERWelaomeinto the Zenith family! We beLievethat you WIUhe pleasedwith your new Zenith EntertainmentMachine. PLeasereadthis


+ I SAFETY TZPSThesesimple precautionswill help ensurethat you get manyyears of safe enjoyment from your new product.15. LightningForaddedprotectionfo

Strany 32 - SHZ_f, L _H_,ItIG


Strany 33 - NOTES I PAGE 33

PAGE 6 IINSTALLATIONThis page showsthe features of your VCRand the differencesbetweenthe models.FEATURES VRB211 VRB411 VRB412 VRB421SpeakEZFunction En

Strany 34 - PAGE 34 I NOTES

INSTALLATXON I PAGE 7Requiredconnectionsfor yourVCR.Connections Without a Cable BoxBackPanel of Stereo VCRThiscableis provided ._p/withyourVCR.Antenna

Strany 35 - NOTESI PAGE 35

PAGE 8 J INSTALLATIONOptional connectionsfor your VCR.Audio/Video (A/V) Connections to TVUseA/V connectionsfor a better picture.BackPanel of StereoVCR

Strany 36 - ServiceLaber

Thingsyou mustdo beforeyou can operateyourVCR.INSTALLATION I PAGE gCLOCKMENUAUTOCLOCKSET(ON):i'llMANUALCLOCKSET :NPressnumberkeysQUIT=exitCLOCK•

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