Zenith Llc - Motion Scrty Floodlight Uživatelský manuál

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Around the Grounds
t cting
Oh no, not the
Backstreet Boys again!
ith th ever-increasing amounts of money being
spent on tadiums (and turfgrass fields), the rev-
enue-hunter don't allow these venue to sit
mpty for too long. Many turf managers
know th feeling; after being told "Thi
is a single-u e facility," the soon are
a ked to diligently research the turf pro-
tection busine .
The trencl to the ingle-us tadium,
uch as tro Field in Hou ton,
Comerica Park in Detroit, Pacific Bell
Park in an Francisco, or afeco Field in
eattl .doe n't mean n other event
take plac in the e "baseball-only" park.
Each of those stacliums has hosted other
e ent, uch a a George Strait concert,
icrosoft's 25th anni er
party, and
th Catholic Church Celebration.
ichael Beane, the director of marketing at Terrapla
R ntals, a he' b en through thi man time.
"Every conver ation 1 ha e with a turf manager, ooner or
Any turf manager knows that today "single-use facility" is an oxymoron.
May 2002
later, he or she says 'I know you have done thi in other
stadiums; however, our grass is unique and I'm not sure it
will work here'."
Beane says the conversation also always turn to pric-
ing. "A is always the case, the best product cost more."
After the turf manager has had a chance to check out
the materials Bean sends him or her, th research is
usually over, says Beane. "Just a few calls to his or her
friend on our Client and Reference list and they hear
you have to cover your field, ther i only on sy tem that
will as ure the best results'." List of other Terraplas user:
Giants tadium, The Meadowlands, J
Soldier Field, Chicago
Pro Player Stadium, Miami
Alltel Stadium, Jacksonville
otton Bowl, Dallas
rrowhead tadium, Kansas it)'
Ohio tadium, olumbus
Turner ield, tlanta
Terraplas USA Rentals/903-983-2111
For information, circle 054
The toughest job may be to convince management to spend the money
to protect your turf.
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Strany 1 - Backstreet Boys again!

Around the Groundst ctingurOh no, not theBackstreet Boys again!With th ever-increasing amounts of money beingspent on tadiums (and turfgrass fields),

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