Zenith Royal 3000-1 Uživatelský manuál

Procházejte online nebo si stáhněte Uživatelský manuál pro Přijímač Zenith Royal 3000-1. Lot No. Description Sold For 1 AMI, UHF, FM Signal generator Uživatelská příručka

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Lot No. Description Sold For
1 AMI, UHF, FM Signal generator model 303A (W) $25.00
2 'Realistic' SX190 Receiver and speaker (W) $70.00
3 Healing 'Golden Voice' radio, model 500B (U) Passed in
4 Hallicrafters model CB-3 8 channel AM CB transceiver (GC) $75.00
5 Twin coil ferrite antenna, C Crane USA, 510-1750 kHz (GC) Passed in
6 Metal speaker box for 6.25 x 3.5 inch speaker. (U) $2.00
7 Oval speaker grille, 8.5 x 6 inch, metal (GC) $1.00
8 Astor transistor radio model P38 (N) $10.00
9 Australian Official Radio Service sheets (GC) Passed in
10 Qty.24: Old Timers Club magazines (GC) $5.00
11 Qty.17: Mixed valves (U) $9.00
12 Mullard 1958 Pocket Data Book (GC) $4.00
13 Book: Traeger, The Pedal radio Man (GC) $18.00
14 Rola model C3D & Hi-Flux speakers (W) Passed in
15 Ericsson 'Ericophon' phone, 1954 (GC) $30.00
16 Kriesler Mini, model 41-47 radio (N) $7.00
17 Qty.10: Ferrite rods, 10mm x 224mm (GC) $10.00
18 'Voltslider' Max 5A, output 0-260V, 1.2kVA (W) $50.00
19 'Voltac' Type SB-10, 240V to 0-260V, max 10A (W) $60.00
20 Qty.2: Transistor radios & tape recorder (U) $9.00
21 Qty.3: Multimeters (U) $35.00
22 Receiver: National NCX100XA (U) $160.00
23 Receiver: National NC125 (U) Passed in
24 Receiver: Hallicrafters S38 (U) Passed in
25 Receiver: Hammarlund model ? (U) $150.00
26 Receiver: Hallicrafters SX27 (U) $90.00
27 Receiver: Hallicrafters SX 111 (U) $80.00
28 Receiver: Murphy B28 (U) $90.00
29 Receiver: AWA 2-IC6770 (U) $100.00
30 Receiver: Bendix RA-1B Passed in
31 Receiver: Eddystone EC10 (N) $90.00
32 Receiver: Colonial Radio BC453B Passed in
33 Transceiver: Yaesu FT101B (U) $160.00
34 Qty.2: Frequency meters, BC221 (U) Passed in
35 Box of octal valves (U) $35.00
36 Box of miniature valves (U) $24.00
37 Box of transmitting valves (U) $20.00
38 Qty.4: High impedance headphones (U) Passed in
39 160 metre mobile transmitter (U) Passed in
40 Quantity Radio Engineering Journals $10.00
41 Assorted Cannon etc Connectors (NOS) $12.00
42 Quantity Solid State Amplifiers (NOS) $14.00
43 Hewlett Packard 1804A 4-Channel Amplifier (U) $20.00
44 Hewlett Packard 10231B Data Probe (U) $4.00
45 Tektronix 851 Digital Tester, intermittent fault $15.00
46 Quantity Philips Handbooks $10.00
Zobrazit stránku 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Shrnutí obsahu

Strany 1

Lot No. Description Sold For1 AMI, UHF, FM Signal generator model 303A (W) $25.002 'Realistic' SX190 Receiver and speaker (W) $70.003 Healin

Strany 2

Lot No. Description Sold For47 Assorted Diamond Styli (NOS) $16.0048 Withdrawn49 Philips model 125 timber cased radio with new dial glass (U) Passed

Strany 3

Lot No. Description Sold For93 'Micronta' Battery tester (W) $8.0094 'Q Plus' crystal set (U) $15.0095 Qty.4: Transformers (NIB) $

Strany 4

Lot No. Description Sold For139 Essanay chassis (U) $70.00140 'Airplayer' dual wave console (N) $55.00141 Home made Scope based soldering st

Strany 5

Lot No. Description Sold For185 Book: Ferranti Radio, 1932 $24.00186 Book: Australian Radio, Muscio, 1984 $20.00187 Radio Communications Manual $22.00

Strany 6

Lot No. Description Sold For231 Zephyr microphone on stand (U) $18.00232 Large meter in box (U) $10.00233 Qty.3: Switch mode computer power supplies (

Strany 7

Lot No. Description Sold For277 Dartronic oscilloscope with spare CRT (NIB) (W) $35.00278 Kriesler 'Twin Fi' mantel (N) $10.00279 Astor mode

Strany 8

Lot No. Description Sold For323 Philips model AM221 18 channel AM/SSB Transceiver (U) $2.00324 Astor Portable, Maroon (W) $50.00325 Illuminated AM/FM

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