Zenith DTV1080 Uživatelský manuál

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Stereophile Guide to Home Theater •
November 2002
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Strany 1 - November 2002

36Stereophile Guide to Home Theater • November 2002

Strany 2 - High-priced DVD players

High-priced DVD playersare an almost anachronistic concept intoday’s cheaper-by-the-minute world. Infact, if I set up a card table at the local ware-h


tiple 16:9 displays in your home theater—say, a CRT projector for the serious stuff,and plasma because, well, just because. Finally, a computer-style

Strany 4

Standard 5-channel amplifier), the DVDStandard combines satiny chromed face-plates with shiny chromed corners for alook that is as aesthetic as it is

Strany 5

casually measured more than 450 lines ofhorizontal resolution in my setup, while thehigh-frequency test patterns indicated thatthe Krell went out very

Strany 6

CD transport, but I quickly developed a lik-ing for it as a full-fledged CD player, usedfrom its 2-channel analog outputs. The24/192 Burr-Brown DACs w

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