Zenith CM-150 Series Uživatelský manuál

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-1201 (5/04)
GE Zenith’s ZTG Series switches are built for standard
applications requiring the dependability and ease
of operation found in a power contactor switch.
Ratings 40 to 3000 amps (2, 3 or 4 poles)
UL 1008 listed at 480 VAC
CSA certified at 600 VAC
(200-260 amp - 480
IEC listed at 480V
Double throw, mechanically interlocked
contactor mechanism
Electrically operated, mechanically held
Designed for emergency and standby
Available in standard (ZTG) or delayed
transition (ZTGD) models
ZTG switches are equipped with GE Zenith’s
next-generation MX150 microprocessor panel,
which controls the operation and displays the
status of the transfer switch’s position, timers
and available sources. As an embedded digital
controller, the MX150 offers high reliability and
ease of unattended operation across a range of
applications. The MX150 features include:
Timer and voltage/frequency settings
adjustable without disconnection from
the power section
Built-in diagnostics with an LCD display
for immediate troubleshooting
/LCD indicators for ease of viewing
and long life
Nonvolatile memory—clock battery backup
not required for standard switch operation
Processor and digital circuitry isolated from
line voltage
Inputs optoisolated for high electrical
immunity to transients and noise
Communications header for network interface
Fully Approved
UL, CSA and IEC listed
Ringing wave immunity per IEEE 472
ANSI C37.90A)
Conducted and Radiated Emissions per
EN55022 Class B (CISPR 11) (Exceeds
EN55011 & MILSTD 461 Class 3)
ESD immunity test per EN61000-4-2 (Level 4)
RF, electromagnetic field immunity
test per EN61000-4-3 (ENV50140) 10v/m
Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
per EN61000-4-4
Surge immunity test per EN61000-4-5
C62.41 (1.2 X 50ms, 5 & 8 kV)
Conducted immunity test per
Voltage dips and interruption immunity
Design and Construction Features
Close differential 3 phase under-voltage
sensing of the normal source—factory
standard setting 90% pickup, 80% dropout
(adjustable); under-frequency sensing
of the normal source factory setting
95% pickup (adjustable)
Voltage and frequency sensing of the
emergency source—factory standard
setting 90% pickup voltage, 95% pickup
frequency (adjustable)
Test switch (fast test/load/no load)
to simulate normal source failure—
automatically bypassed should the
emergency source fail
Type 1 enclosure is standard—also available
in open style or Types 3R, 4 or 12
ZTG Series
Product Bulletin
GE Zenith Controls
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1 2 3 4 5 6

Shrnutí obsahu

Strany 1 - Product Bulletin

PB-1201 (5/04)GE Zenith’s ZTG Series switches are built for standardapplications requiring the dependability and easeof operation found in a power con

Strany 2 - Standard Features and Options

PB-1201 • Page 2MX150 Control PanelStandard Features (MSTDG Option Pkg.)Additional Standard Features(MEXEG Option Pkg.)(Front View)A3 Auxiliary Contac

Strany 3

Page 4 • PB-1201NOTE:For applications requiringadditional options orother configurations,use GE Zenith ZTS Seriesswitches as described inBulletin O-50

Strany 4 - Reference Charts

Page 5 • PB-1201Testing StandardsUL, CSA and IEC listed UL 1008, CSA 22.2 No. 178, IEC 947-6-1Ringing wave immunity IEEE 472 (ANSI C37.90A)ESD immunit

Strany 5 - Ordering Information

PB-1201 • Page 3Base ModelType AmpereSizeSwitchedPolesEnclosureTypeOperationalVoltageAccessories21120/208V 1Ø, 3 wire, 60Hz20120/240V 1Ø, 3 wire, 60Hz

Strany 6 - Zenith Controls

A Product of GE Industrial SystemsGeneral Electric Company830 West 40thStreet, Chicago, IL 60609 USA773 299-6600, Fax: 630 850-6899www.geindustrial.co

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