Zenith IQB36B86R Servisní příručka

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A potential source of x-rays is the picture tube, if the high
voltage (HV) is out of specification. When the HV is operating
properly, there is no x-radiation. For the CA chassis family,
the HV has no adjustments. A HV shutdown circuit is used to
prevent excessive HV and x-ray emissions.
This circuit basically monitors the sweep pulse voltage de-
rived from the sweep transformer TX3204 pins 5 & 6. This
voltage is rectified, and applied to a 12V zener diode ZDX3004.
When the HV reaches its maximum allowed ,value (see draw-
ing) the zener diode conducts, the voltage on pin 29 of the
video processor (ICX2200) increases until it reaches the thresh-
old voltage of 3.5 VDC, and shuts down the TV. If the shut-
down circuit has operated, the microcontroller will prevent
the TV from being turned on again, without first having to
unplug the AC cord to reset the microcontroller.
TIP: Make a momentary short between the OUTPUT and GND
of the IC6002 (RESET CIRCUIT) this will reset the microcontroller
IC6000. Apply signal through the video generator or tune the
TV color receiver to crosshatch pattern. Connect an accurate
HV meter between the picture tube anode and chassis ground.
Access Video Menu and adjust Brightness and Contrast con-
trols for minimum screen luminance. Wait until, the Video
Menu or display disappear. Read HV meter.
Equipment required:
a) Video Generator.
b) HV DC meter (0 to 40 KV, high Z).
c) External variable power supply (0V to 200 VDC @ 5Amps
d) 1 Giga ohm, 5%, 2W film resistor.
Before turning the TV on, connect the HV meters negative
probe (-) to ground (DAG ground recommended) and the posi-
tive probe (+) in the anode of the CRT. Connect a 1 Giga Ohm
resistor in parallel with the HV meter. Then connect the exter-
nal power supplys negative output (-) to chassis ground, that
is, the negative lead of B+ filter capacitor, CX3420. Turn on
the TV. Apply a video signal or tune the TV to a raster pattern.
Adjust the G2 potentiometer for minimum, and set the bright-
ness and contrast levels to minimum. Now adjust the output
voltage of the external power supply to 124 VDC for CA25V/
27V or 130 VDC for CA32V/36V. Then start increasing the
voltage on the external power supply until the TV shuts down,
and read the HV on the meter just before the voltage starts
Note: The external power supply may require a diode for
blocking voltage from the chassis power supply to
the external power supply. The diode should be
connected between the positive output of the external
power and B+ of the chassis. The cathode should be
facing the B+ of the chassis. The recommended diode
is Part No. 103-00339-04A (400 V of VRRM @ 3
Amps of average rectified forward current).
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CA Chassis Safety Guidelines
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 73 74

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Strany 1 - CA Chassis Safety Guidelines

HIGH VOLTAGE AND X-RADIATION PROTECTIONA potential source of x-rays is the picture tube, if the highvoltage (HV) is out of specification. When the HV

Strany 2

CA-6CA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSFor those CA chassis that have the keyboard and IR detector built onto the module, the schematics areincluded. Keep in min

Strany 3 - Table of Contents

CA-7Microprocessor Controltypes of on-screen display (OSD). Neither sync pulses come directly from the video processor where theyare first produced.

Strany 4

CA-8CA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSMemoryThe EEPROM, IC6001, is a small but vital part of the CA receiver. This 512 byte memory chip is respon-sible for stor

Strany 5

CA-9IF ReceiverTunerCable or off-air signals are received into the television by way of the antenna jack of the tuner, TU6000.The input and output imp

Strany 6

CA-10CA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS<<Figure CA-9>>ICX2200 powers its IF section using +9VPIF (pin 9) and +9VSIF (pin 48). The ICs main VCC is a

Strany 7

CA-11Video ProcessingIntroductionICX2200 has numerous duties involved in television image and sound production. As mentioned above, itprocesses sound

Strany 8

CA-12CA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSswitching channel of this IC switches the PiP between external and internal video sources based on the PiPSwitch1 signal (

Strany 9

CA-13Video ProcessingRGB output, this circuit helps to prevent blooming. Excessive current draw in the picture tube will lowervoltage and hence decre


CA-14CA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSthe PIPB1 connector provide sync to the PiP processor. Pins 9 and 10 of the same connector allow I2Cbus communication bet

Strany 11 - Microprocessor Control

CA-15Video Processingpowered by the +215V source derived from the sweep transformer, but the actual DC voltage at thecollectors will be lower (+130 vo

Strany 12

CA-iiiPrefaceThis manual has been designed as a supplement to the CM-151 CA/CB training manual (923-3351TRM).It provides circuit descriptions as well

Strany 13 - IF Receiver

CA-16CA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSDeflection ProcessingThe last portion of the video processor to be discussed is the deflection section. This is the part

Strany 14

CA-17Deflection ControlIntroductionAfter deflection control signals are produced by ICX2200, they need to be modified and amplified beforethey are out

Strany 15 - Video Processing

CA-18CA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSA number of secondary voltages are also provided by the sweep transformers action. Particularly, +215volts is supplied f

Strany 16

CA-19Deflection Controlvoltage. The HV shutdown circuit utilizes a rectified DC voltage across CX3003. This voltage is applied toa zener diode, ZDX3

Strany 17

CA-20CA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSresulting waveform for yoke current is a sawtooth with rounded peaks.Vertical AmplificationMost of the vertical signal amp

Strany 18

CA-21Deflection ControlCRT ProtectionCRT protection is provided for the CA in circuitry off the vertical amplifier. In case of a damaged IC2100or a s

Strany 19

CA-22CA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSAudio AmplificationThere are three audio circuit configurations used in the various CA chassis: mono, stereo, or MTS (Mul

Strany 20

CA-23Audio DevelopmentIn the mono circuit, composite audio is fed directly from pin 2 of ICX2200 into the audio amplifier circuit.However, on stereo a

Strany 21 - Deflection Control

CA-24CA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS<<Figure CA-23>>IC1402 is powered by the +18AUD at pin 4. Pins 5 and 8 receive the audio input, while the out

Strany 22

CA-25Audio Development123456789101112131415161718192021222324253626272829303132333435373839404142434445464748BASSL2TRE-RTRE-LSURRINSURROUTLSOUT-RLSOUT

Strany 23

CA-ivTable of ContentsSection 1General Safety Guidelines ... CA-iCA Ch

Strany 24

CA-26CA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSExternal Audio OutputThe output pins here also feed the variable audio output circuitry. This common emitter amplifier ha

Strany 25 - CRT Protection

CA-27FlowchartsStart1. No PowerPlug receiverinto AC source.ReplaceFX3401.ReplaceFX3402.ReplaceTX3401.Replace ICX3400,QX3401, DX3406,DX3407, DX3408.Re

Strany 26 - Audio Amplification

CA-28CA TROUBLESHOOTING2. ShutdownStartDoes the setpower up formore than 2seconds?Does the DClevel at pin 29,ICX2200 riseabove 3.5 volts?Checkmicropr

Strany 27 - Stereo Processing

CA-29Flowcharts3. No TuningStartAre all tunervoltagespresent? (Referto schematics.)Check tunerpower supplies.Is IF present atpin 11, TU6000?Does cha

Strany 28

CA-30CA TROUBLESHOOTING4. No VideoStartIs raster presenton the screen?Is 1.07 kVp-psignal present oncollector of HOT?Is regulated B+present acrossCX34

Strany 29 - MTS Processing

CA-31FlowchartsCheck audiopower supply.Is +18AUDvoltage presenton pin 9, IC804?StartDoes Q800 testOK?Does DC levelchange at pin 14,IC6000, whenspeaker

Strany 31 - Flowcharts

Section 2:CB Chassis

Strany 33

CB Chassis Safety GuidelinesX-RADIATIONTo prevent possible exposure to radiation caused by excessive CRTAnode voltage, the CB Chassis incorporates a 

Strany 36

CB-1Power SupplyIntroductionThe CB chassis is a cold chassis designed to support 27, 32, and 36 receivers. Its power supplyfeatures a controlled t

Strany 37 - CB Chassis

CB-2CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSbriefly drop. However, as the regulator begins to operate, it drives the chopper, and power derived frompin 13 of the tran

Strany 38

CB-3Power Supplycurrent ramp is input into pin 1 of ICX3412. This signal is then used to determine how regulation shalloccur as described below. OCP

Strany 39 - CB Chassis Safety Guidelines

CB-4CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSThe B+ provides power for deflection via the horizontal output transistor (HOT), QX3204, and for thetertiary voltages that

Strany 40

CB-5Microprocessor ControlIntroductionThe CB chassis employs IC6000 as its microcontroller. All end user and servicer controls are accessedusing this

Strany 41 - Power Supply

CB-6CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSsor from pin 49 along with the processed RGB. An exception to this occurs when Gemstar® is displayed.Under that circumstan


CB-7Microprocessor Controlthe corresponding tuner to allow for clearer channel reception. The ideal voltage level here should bebetween +2.25 and +2.

Strany 43

CB-8CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSsignals entering IC2200 at pins 4 and 2 respectively and component video entering at pins 37 through 39.Note here that comp

Strany 44 - Degaussing Control

CB-9IF ReceiverIntroductionThe CB chassis utilizes two tuners in order to provide PiP without requiring a second external source. Thisis with the pro

Strany 45

CA-1Power SupplyIntroductionThe CA chassis is a cold ground chassis deriving its power from a switch-mode, flyback type, powersupply. It features ind

Strany 46

CB-10CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONScomes from pin 11 of the tuner, is filtered, and is fed into pins 5 and 6 of the IFP. AGC (automatic gaincontrol) voltage

Strany 47

CB-11IF ReceiverThe remaining outputs of the IF processor are the AFC control to IC6000 from pin 14 and the IF videosignal which passes through the AV

Strany 48 - IC6002 221-01177A All Models

CB-12CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSJack-PackThe CB chassis provides multiple means for connecting external sources that supply video and audio signal.These p

Strany 49

CB-13A/V SwitchingSuppose the user has composite video connected to the Video 1 input and S-Video connected to the S-Video 1 input. If the user selec

Strany 50

CB-14CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSComponent VideoComponent video is handled differently than the other jackpack inputs. The CB lacks conversion circuitryto

Strany 51 - <<Table CB-3>>

CB-15A/V SwitchingOn sets using the digital comb filter, CV is fed into an A/D converter at pin 5 of IC2400. This IC is pow-ered by the +5VTune at pi

Strany 52

CB-16CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSIntroductionThe CB chassis video features include two-tuner PiP, comb-filtered video, auto kine bias, half-tone video,and

Strany 53 - A/V Switching

CB-17Video Processinglimiter threshold (1.5 mA for 27, otherwise 1.6 mA), the corresponding voltage across C2204 triggers thelimiter circuitry intern

Strany 54 - Comb Filtering

CB-18CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSBefore this processed video is pre-driven by transistors Q2205, 2206, and 2207, the video signal can bedimmed by the half-

Strany 55

CB-19Video ProcessingAKB signal is derived from the collectors of Q5124, 5144, and 5164. These are fed back to the AKBcircuit via pin 5 of the 5C2 co

Strany 56

CA-2CA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS<<Figure CA-2>>Another winding from the chopper (pins 13 and 16) provides feedback to the regulation loop in IC

Strany 57

CB-20CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSC5101 causes the G1 to become more positive. Since G1 is otherwise considered ground for the CRT, thisaction reduces any

Strany 58 - Video Amplification

CB-21Video ProcessingD2205R2224MR2222MR2223MPROVC2241MC2214MPROVC2215MPROVShutdownDC Levelfrom QX3001FlybackPulseTo ShutdownPin 18, IC2200<<Figu

Strany 59

CB-22CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSIntroductionThe CB chassis was developed to support CRTs ranging from 27 to 36. Major component of the deflec-tion circ

Strany 60

CB-23Deflection Controlment voltage, which is fed into pin 1 of the 2F5 connector, and pin 8s ABL signal. For the filaments part,since this voltage

Strany 61 - <<Figure CB-19>>

CB-24CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSHigh Voltage ShutdownThe x-ray protection (high voltage shutdown) circuit uses the current from pin 6. DX3002 and CX3003c

Strany 62

CB-25Deflection ControlBoth positive and negative vertical ramp signals are required for operation. IC2200 supplies these to pins 4and 5 of the amp a

Strany 63

CB-26CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSWidth and Geometry CorrectionEast/West pincushion correction is performed by circuitry built into 32 and 36 sets. The w

Strany 64

CB-27Audio DevelopmentAudio ProcessingThe CB chassis uses IC1400 to process audio. This IC features true MTS (Multi-channel TelevisionStereo) sound,

Strany 65

CB-28CB CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSAudio BoostThose sets that have the audio boost feature output audio signal on pins 43 and 44 to IC1401. This IC ispowere

Strany 66

CB-29Audio DevelopmentThe +22VSB is supplied to pin 10. Pins 4, 9, and 12 are grounds for the amp. Pins 5 and 2 input left andright (L/R) channel au

Strany 67 - Audio Processing

CA-3Power Supplyvoltage at the base of QX3401 will switch that transistor on, shunting the regulator ICs base drive toground. Such an action kills t

Strany 68

CB-30CB TROUBLESHOOTINGStart1. No PowerPlug receiverinto AC source.ReplaceFX3401.ReplaceFX3402.Check RX3423.Replace TX3401 ifnecessary.Check DX3406,DX

Strany 69 - Audio Development

CB-31Flowcharts2. ShutdownStartDoes the setpower up formore than 2seconds?Does the Vp-plevel at pin 18,IC2200 staybelow 1.0 volts?Checkmicroprocessorc


CB-32CB TROUBLESHOOTING3. No TuningStartAre all tunervoltagespresent? (Referto schematics.)Check tunerpower supplies.Is IF present atpin 11, WT1200?

Strany 71

CB-33Flowcharts4. No VideoStartIs raster presenton the screen?Is 1.07 kVp-psignal present oncollector ofHOT?Is regulated B+present at pin 3of TX3204?

Strany 72

CB-34CB TROUBLESHOOTINGCheck audiopower supply.Is +22VSBpresent on pin10, IC804?StartDoes DC levelchange at pin 14,IC6000, whenspeaker cut-off istoggl

Strany 73

CA-4CA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSICX3402 regulates from the +18 VSB to provide +5 VSB. The +5 VSB powers the microprocessor,IC6000, and the tuner, TU6000.

Strany 74

CA-5Microprocessor ControlIntroductionThe CA chassis employs IC6000 as its microcontroller. All end user and servicer controls are accessedusing this

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