Zenith SMS2550S Uživatelský manuál

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E:fact® Technical Service Data
Parts List
Coils & Transformers
Controls & Resistors
Capacitors & Electrolytics
Cabinet Parts
Semiconductors, 2 pages
Schematics ................... Location
Television ................. 2A, 2B
Television ................. 2C, 2D
Power Supply .................. 2E
System Control ............ 1A, 1B
Tuner ...................... 1C, 1D
Placement Chart
Circuitry not used in some versions.
Circuitry used in some versions.
Chassis ground
Common tie point
Taken from common tie point
Schematic voltage source tie point.
Cabling: Heavy lines reduce use of multiple lines.
Waveforms and voltages are taken from ground, unless
noted otherwise.
Waveforms taken with triggered scope and keyed rainbow
generator. Waveform voltage is peak to peak. Timebase
is per division. Waveforms shown at 10 divisions.
Supply voltages maintained as seen at input.
Voltages measured with digital meter and a 1000µV RF
signal, with colorbar pattern, applied to antenna terminal.
Controls adjusted for normal operation.
Capacitors are 50 volts or less, 5% or greater unless noted.
Electrolytic capacitors are 50 volts or less,
20% or greater unless noted.
Resistors are 1/2W or less, 5% or greater unless noted.
Value in ( ) used in some versions.
Measurements with switching as shown, unless noted.
Rated voltage shown on zener diodes.
For SAFETY use only equivalent replacement part,
see parts list.
To purchase a complete paper version
of this service manual, order
set #3503
To place the order, contact your local
Sams Distributor or call our Customer
Service operation at 1-800-428-7267.
For E:fact ordering or information,
use the following web site link.
Product #083503
© Copyright 1999
Howard W. Sams & Co. All rights reserved.
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Shrnutí obsahu

Strany 1 - Technical Service Data

ZENITHE:fact® Technical Service Data INDEXParts ListCoils & TransformersMiscellaneousControls & ResistorsCapacitors & ElectrolyticsCabi


PARTS LIST COILS & TRANSFORMERSItem No. Function/Rating Mfr. Part No.DY1 Yoke 100° 95-3608-04Horiz .79mHVert 10mHL1200 22µH 20-4277-26AL1201 AFT 2

Strany 8 - SEMICONDUCTORS continued

PARTS LIST continuedMISCELLANEOUSItem No. Description Mfr. Part No. NotesCR2200 Crystal 224-27A 3.58MHzCR2212 Resonator 224-131 503kHzCR6000 Crystal 2

Strany 9

CONTROLS & RESISTORSItem No. Function/Rating Mfr. Part No. NTE Part No.R1208 5000 RF AGC 63-11007-25 -R2106 10K Vertical Size 63-11007-27 -R3201

Strany 10

PARTS LIST continuedCAPACITORS & ELECTROLYTICSItem No. Rating Mfr. Part No.C1218 18pF 5% 50V NPO 22-8241-16AC1219 68pF 5% 50V NPO 22-8241-30AC122

Strany 11

PARTS LIST continuedCABINET PARTSItem Part No.Model SMS2549SCabinet Front 14-12142-19Cabinet Rear 14-12181Cabinet Tray 14-12143-01Jack Panel - Antenna

Strany 12

C3483 - - - - - CR800, 01 - 103-398 - - - CR1201 - 103-279-18A - - - CR2100 - 103-326A NTE552 ECG552 SK9000 CR2201 - 103-279-18A - - - CR2202 -

Strany 13

# QX3410 - 121-1146A NTE123AP ECG123AP SK3854# QX3412- 121-1299 - - -TUNER CR1, 2 - 103-488A - - - CR3 - - - - - CR4, 5 - 103-487A - - - CR7, 8 -

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