operating guide / warranty
P,GE10I ,.ST,LL,T,ONI ^UO,Obest sound/ possible/ from your_LIt"Beforeyou beginplugging in yourspeakers,it's a goodidea to put them in theira
,NSTALLAT,O.I OETT'NOS,A,TEOIPAGE11Use pages5-10 to hook up yourEntertainmentMachine. PLugyourEntertainmentMachineinto a120V 60Hz outlet and pres
fFindall.your •availablechannelsfromany source.This function allowsyou to set up the channetselection on Antenna/Cable2. Othersources,such asVIDEO1 an
',,,,LL,,,O.I GE,,,.O I ,OE1,CLickon yourSetup Menuicon inthe MenuDisplayat the top ofthe screen.SeLectProjoSetupon your screenby clickingon it o
P,GE,, IO, R.T,ONI ,..AL'R .OT A" thebuttonsonyourremote,andwhattheydo.ENDECATORLIGHTSILLuminateto showwhichmodeyourremoteisin.MODE LEFT/RIG
I ,..AL.RE.O.IPAO Makesureyour EntertainmentMachineison. Oustdick the Trakba[|by pressinggentrywith yourthumb, and a hand-shapedpointer wilt appear.Yo
PAGE1,I0,.,,,0,I_" Leamthe "l easiestway| to get at/evely Optionl onyourI EntertainmentMachine!iTRAKBALL REMOTEWhenadjustingopUonsthat am on
OP.,A,.O.I TVFU.O,...T,LSIP,O ,,To watch TV on antenna, cable, a VCR, DVD or any other piece of equipment,you have to make sure you've set your E
P 18I I ENOSfDescriptionsof at[ themenuson yourEntertainmentMachine.Usingthe Menubutton on your remote or by usingthe Trakl_ll, you canaccessatethe m
O,E.,,O,I . .USI PAOE19DescriptionsofaEthemenusonyourEntertainmentMenu Name (cont'd)Goto pageParentat ControlAuto DemoAUDIO MENUVIDEO MENUPIP MEN
RECORDYOURMODELNUMBER "_Themodeland serialnumberofyour newW areLocatedonthe backof the W cabinet.Foryourfuture convenience,we suggestthat you rec
P 20!o,E,,o.I sou,c,...°G'loosothe sourcesfor your mainpictureand PIP.This menuis whereyou switch input sourcedevicessoyou can watchyourantenna,c
OPE.,T,O.I .,.USI S.TOP,E.UIP,OE2,LFLFCLickon the Setup Menu in your MenuDisplay.Crick on Add/Det/Surfin the menu.Crick on it again and your screenwiL
P,oE221oP,.,,,o.I .,.usts,,uP.,..Set the dockor haveitdonefor you,automaticaUy.REALLYimpressyourfriends.r-:/CLickon your Setup Menuicon inthe MenuDisp
O,E,,T,O.I .E.USI S--UP"E"UI PAOE23Click on your Setup Menuicon inthe menudisplay.SelectCaptionsin the menubyclickingonit. CLickon it again
PAGE2,IOPE""O"I "'""' I ,,,UP.E.UfChoosewhatlanguageyourol1-screellmenusappearin.Clickon your Setup Menuicon i
O,ERAT,O.I "E"USI S"U'"E"UIPAOE2_CLickon your SetupMenu icon inthe menudisplay.SeLectBackgroundby clicking onit in the m
HaveyourEntertainmentMachinegoto sleepanytime.CUckonyourSpeciatFeaturesMenuiconin the menudisplay.SetectTimerSetupin the menuby cUckingon it. CUckonit
CLickonyourSpecialFeaturesMenuiconin the menudisplay.SeLectTimerSetup in the menuby cEckingon it. The TimerMenuwiLLappear,replacingthe SpecialFeatures
•P,GE28I O,,,,T,ONI ,,NOSIS,,C,,.,,,TO,,S,E,UfChoosepresetlabelsfor channelsor createyour own.lb.mw\CLickonyour SpecialFeaturesicon in the menudisplay
o,..,,.o.I .E.USI SPEC.,tF.,TU..S..NUIP,GE2,CLickon your SpeciatFeaturesMenuicon in the menu display.SeLectSourceID by cUcldng onit. CLickit again to
,.STALLAT'ONI OETT,N+ST,.TEOIPAOE3IMPORTANT!! Usethis page to decidewhereyou needto begin your setup.first, find the Unebelowthat best describesw
fCustomizethenamesof yoursurf channe[Listsfor up tofourpeopl_CLickon yourSpecia[ FeaturesMenuicon in the menudisplay.Crick on the Surf ID item in them
OPE"TIONI .ENUSI SPECI,tF ,TURES. NUIPAOE31®Clickon your SpecialFeaturesicon inthe menudisplay.Select Parental CtL in the menu byclickingon it. C
YourEntertainmentMachinewillshowyouall yourmenuoptions.Click onyour FeaturesMenu iconin the menu display.Select Auto Demoin the menubyclickingon it. C
O, .T,ONI .ENUSI.UO,O. NUIPAGE33CEck on your Audio Menu icon from themenu disptay. Your options are:• Bass:Increase/decrease tower-endsounds.• Trobte:
.0E3,IoP ,.T,ONI .,.osI V,O,O.E.UfCustom|ze thepicturequaUt,jonyourEntertainmentMachine.Crickon yourVideo Menuicon fromthe menu display.Youroptionsare
O,E..'ONI P.CTU E'NP.CTUREI P,GE3,YOURPICTURE-IN-PICTURE FEATUREThe Picture-In-Picture (PIP) function aLLowsyou to put a smatterpicture, cat
P,GE3°IOP,,,T,ONI P,<TU,,.,,,<TU,E._m GetL'ingtheost fromtheP andotherThePIPfunctionscanall befoundin the on-screenmenuthat appearswhenyour
O, R^T,ONI ,,CTURE,N-',CTUR I PAGE37CEckon your PIP Menuicon inthe menu display.SeLectSize in the menu bycEckingon it once.Youhave two sizesavaiL
PAGE38I0,,,.,,0.I .C,U.,,,,,CTU,,Controllingthe Mainand PIPaudio/videousingyourTrakbatLSomefunctionsof PIPcanalsobe contxoUedusingthe Channel/Timedisp
O,ER,TIONI R .OT IP,GE3,Youcan use mostof the optionson your Entertainment Machinebypressingvariousbuttons.MENUSPressingthe MENUbutton repeatedlywilt
I INSTALLATION I GETTINGSTARTEDYourjack-packvariou;nd_i_RFConnectors=Antenna/Cable1,Antenna/Cable2,andLoopOutUsedto connectAntenna/cableto thetetevisi
P,G ,o I o.,^TXONI F.NTLFUsing theten-buttonfront panel tooperate themenus.Press POWERon the control panelto turn on your EntertainmentMachine.To acc
OPERATION PROGRAMMINGTHEREMOTE PAG E 4 1hw v°Selectthe equipment you want toprogram,then turn to pages42-43 tofind the programmingcode appropriatefor
P,GE,2 I OPE.T,ONI CO0 Sf_nd the codesyou need toprogramyourremote.TVsAdmiral... 116 121 130 Goldstar ... 103 104 119 MontgomenjWard 103 104
OPE..ONI IP,OE,3CABLE/SATELLITE/SET-TOPSAUegro ... 358 362 _/C Satellite... 389ALLegroA-B Switch 361 Kale Vision... 335AmeHcast ... 383 M
P,GE,, I OP R,,.O.I SP C.,LF ^,URESrUsetheRemotecontrottosearch forall possibteprogrammingcodes.i LTurnon the deviceyou wantto operate.Pressand hotdth
oPE,,,,o,I F ,,uRE,IP.oE..AmptifierVotumeOverride:Findthe codethat operatesyouramp[ifier.Testit to makesure it's thecorrectone by fottowingthe pr
PAGE46I I .^,NTEN^NCEfCaringfor yourEntertainmentMachine.Carefuland regularcleaningcanextendthe amountof time you wig.havewith yournew EntertainmentMa
REFERENCEITRO,.LES.OOT,NOIPAOE4,SYMPTOMSSOLUTIONSSnowypicture and unclear sound.Muffipte images or "ghostshadows:• Checkyour antenna connectionor
PAGE48I I T.OUB S.OOT,. fSomequickand easytips to fixingproblemsyourself.Remote control doesn't work.Zn_cator Ught on remotecomes on but remote
REF,RE.CEI--ATU ESI PAOE49ADVANCED SURFIn addition to your normal channel Listing, you can customize up to four different channelLists to fit differen
,.ST,LL,T,ONIOETT..OS,,RT OIP,OE,]ooking up to Antenna/Direct CableLocate the Antenna/Cable I jackon the backof your EntertainmentMachine.Connectthe c
PAGE 52 I REFERENCEI XNDEXfFind what youwant quickty.FEATURE PAGE2-Tuner PIP ... 35, 49Add/Del/Surf-AdvancedSurf...
R ,E, NCEI ,.OEXI P,OE,,FEATURE PAGEParental.Control... 31Pictur_in-I_cture (PIP) ... 35-36P
STEREOSURROUND SOUND SPEAKERSFor use with any Surround Sound compaUbLe TV. Thesesl_eakers create a sound so reaL,it's as if you were partot the a
Direct-View Color _/ Welcomei.nto the Zenithfatuity: Webelievethat you wit[ be pleasedwith your newZenith EntertainmentMachine. Pleasereadt_iswarranty
P,OE61.,S,,..,,,O,I S,,,O,ROfUsinga cablebox withthe LoopOutfunction.Somacable seMces requirethe use of acable boxto decodepremiumchannelsandpay-per-v
,.STA'LAT'ONI STANOA.OIPAGE7Loodethe RFor VHF/UHF/CA_VIn jack on the back of yourVCR. Connect the Antenna orcable wife coming from yourwall.
P,GESI,NST,_L,T,ONI ST,NO,ROCOnnectingaVD playeror-VHS playerto your_n_'nn_"Find the audio and compositeor S-Video jacks on the back ofyour
..ST,LL,T,ONI S,,NO,ROIP,G ,This is just a generalroomdesign.Any number of set-upsare possible,and somechangesmay be neededto maximizeyour sound.A Lef
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