Zenith TRK4000 Manuál s instrukcemi

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Strany 1 - '] , , i n d e x

machine numbers I IQA56M98D l IQA60Mg8D l IQA36M46Wnith!about your trakbatt remoteyo u.ff._O n- s cree n menus'] , , i n d e xoperating guide / w

Strany 2

PAGE101,NSTAL'AT'ONI AUO'OGeneral.help ondesigningyour hometheaterset-up.This isjust a genera[ room design.Any number of set-ups are po

Strany 3

,.'TA'<AT'O"I AUO'OI PAG_11_JOut. These are for the sub-woofer.Connect the sub-woofer's cables,according to their col

Strany 4

PAGE,2I'NSTA'LAT'O"I A"O'OfCombineyour newEnteitainmentMacline _your homestereosystem.IIILocate the Vadable Out jacks on

Strany 5

,.STAL'AT,O.I O TT,.OSTA.T DI PAOE,3Use pages 6-12 to hook up yourEntertainment Machine. Plug inyour Entertainment Machine andpress the Power but

Strany 6 - _.______ MONITOR OUT 0

P.AG 14I I,STALLATIO.I G .INGsTARTeDfFind all youravailablechan qets fromany source.[his function allows you to set up the channelselection on Antenn

Strany 7 - -'N

IBID_fClick on your Setup Menu icon inthe Menu Display at the top ofthe screen.Select Projo Setup on your screenby clicking on it once.Click again to

Strany 8 - Ccb/e not ,'nduded

PAGE I010.E.AT,ONI T.AKBALL"E"OTEfAll thebuttons onyour remote,and whatthey do.INDICATOR LIGHTSl[luminate to show which modeyour remote is i

Strany 9 - I PAGE 9

Make sure your Entertainment Machine ison. Just click the TrakbaLl by pressinggently with your thumb, and a hand-shapedpointer wilt appear.You can now

Strany 10 - IQA36A46W wiLt be different

PAGE 18 } TRAKBALL REMOTELearn theeasiest wayto get atever:l optionon yourEntertainmentHachfne!OPERATtON ]When adjusting options that are ona sliding

Strany 11 - Audiocables

OPE.A,,O.I ,V'U"°A"'"'A'SI PAGETo watch TV on antenna, cable, a VCR, DVD or any other piece of equipment,you have t

Strany 12 - ,,_i _,-___I

The mode[ and serial number of your new 13/are locatedon the back of the 13/cabinet. For your future convenience,we suggest that you record these numb

Strany 13 - "" 901" \

PAG,201 I . .USDescriptionsof all themenus on yourEnte _cainmentMachine.Using the Menu button on your remote or by using the Trakbal[, you can accessa

Strany 14

PAGE221OPERA"ONI SOORCE"E"OfChoosethe sourcesfor your mainpictureand PIR\This menu is where you switch input sourcedevices so you can w

Strany 15 - _ InTE[_

I .E.usI sE,uP. .uI PAGE23CLick on the Setup Menu in your MenuDispLay.CLick on Add/Det/Surf in the menu.Click on it again and your screen willbe repla

Strany 16 - '\ /

P 2410PE"'"ONI"E"USIS"OP" "O'Set the docko1"have itdonefor you,automatically.REALLYimP'e_i%Yndu

Strany 17 - ---© :(i

OPE.AT,O"I "E"USI SETUP"E"UI PAGE25CLickon your Setup Menuicon inthe menu disp{ay.Select Captions in the menu byclicking on i

Strany 18 - OPERATtON ]

PAG_2010'ERA"O"I ME"OSI S_'°P"_"UfChoose whatLanguage youron-screenmenusappear in.Click on your Setup Menu icon int

Strany 19 - ...I ÷'

OPE.A,,ONI "ENUSI S'TOP"_NUI PAOE2_Click on your Setup Menu icon inthe menu disptay.Select Background by clicking onit in the menu.Choo

Strany 20 - PAG,201 I . .US

P 2+I oPERA+,oNI MENUSI FEA+URES.ENOfHaveyourEntertainmentMachine goto sleepanytime.Click on your Features Menu icor_in the menu display.Select Timer

Strany 21

OP ..T,O.I .E.USI FE.T,J. S.ENUI PAGE2.CLick on your Features Menu iconin the menu display.SeLect Timer Setup in the menuby clicking on it. The Timer

Strany 22 - I .E.usI sE,uP. .uI PAGE23

PAGE3OIOPE.A,,O"I "E"°SI ,,A,°.ES.E.°fChoose"preset [abeLsfor channelsor createyour own.T_C[ick on your Features icon in themenu d

Strany 23 - 'ImeLone

INSTALLAT,ONIO TT,NOSTA.T OIPAGE3IMPORTANT!! Usethispageto decidewhereyou needto beginyoursetup.First,fi_dthe[inebetowthatbestdescribeswhat you wantto

Strany 24 - Oa ti°n 9

OPE.AT,O.I .E"OSI FEA'O"ES"E"UI PAGE3'3357-oClick on your Features Menu iconin the menu display.SeLect Source ID by clic

Strany 25 - _] InTEQ.

PA+E+210PE.A+IONI "ENUSI F A+U"ES" NUCustomize thename:; of yoursurf channellists for up tofoul" people.6.1LFClick on your Feature

Strany 26

OPERA,,O"I "E"OSI FEA'URES"E"OI PAGEClick on your Features icon in themenu dispLay.SeLect ParentaL CtL. in the menu bycl

Strany 27 - •.l..: off

PAGE I O,E.A"O"I " "USI 'EA'O"ES"E"OYourEntertainmentMachine willshow youart yourmenu options.°.Click on

Strany 28 - --_ IV-1T_EB

OPER,,,O.I .E"USI 'UOIO"E"UI PAGEC[ick on your Audio Menu icon From themenu display. Your options are:• Bass:: Increase/decrease t

Strany 29 - 1:Oh 4, _i

3610,E.,,,ONI .ENOSI V'OEO"ENOf"Customize thepicture qualityon yourEnteltainmentMachine.\CLick on your Video Menu icon fromthe menu dis

Strany 30 - ---] INTEI_I

OPE.AT,ONI P,CTU. -,N-P,CTU.EI PAGE3YOUR PICTURE-IN-PICTURE FEATURE_he Picture-ln-Picture (PIP) function allows you to put a smallerpicture, called th

Strany 31 - Surf4 _ +

PAGE38I OPE.AT,ONI P'C'U"E-'"-P'CTU"EfGettingthemost:from thePIP and otherfund.ionswithyour remote.The PIPfunctions

Strany 32 - ) Par. Ctl

OP,.AT,O.I ,C.U.E,. P'C'O"EIPAGF39Click on your PIP Menu icon inthe menu display.Select Size in the menu byclicking on it once.CLick o

Strany 33 - Features

PAGE40I OP RAT,ONI P,CTUR -'.- 'CTU"EfControllingthe Mainand PIPaudio/videousing yourTrakbatLSome functions of PIP can aLso be controll

Strany 34 - _ i--ITEQ-Audio

PAGE41,.ST,''AT,O.I OE'T'"OS'A"TEDfYou'jack-packand itsvarious uses.Video 1_/2/3 \Connects the video _ _"

Strany 35

OPERATION REMOTE PAGE 41You can use most of the options on your Entertainment Machine bypressing various buttons.MENUSFhessing the MENU button repeate

Strany 36

PAGE,210PE"AT'ONIfUsing theten-buttonfrontpanel tooperatethemenus.LwFRONT PANELPress POWERon the control panelto turn on your EntertainmentM

Strany 37 - _._z _--_F REEZ

oP .A:IO.I P.oG.A..:.GT,E.E,O:EI ESe[ect the equipment you want toprogram, then turn to pages 44-45 tofind the programming code appropriatefor the typ

Strany 38 - Sm L,P,P J'Xl

PAGEI O.E.A.,O.I ..O0.A..,NOCO0 SFind the codesyou need toprogram yourremote.TVsAdmira[ ... 116 121 130133Akai ... 104/_mark ... 103

Strany 39 - [sufl !_Li

OPE.AT,ONI P.OO.A""'NOCO0 SI PAGECABLE/SATELLITE/S ET-TOPSAllegro ... 358 362AllegroA-B Switch 361Americast ... 383DISH Network

Strany 40

PAGE 46I OPERATION.fUse theRemotecontro[ tosearch forart possibteprogrammingcodes.I SPECIAL FEATURESTurn on the device you wantto operate.Press and ho

Strany 41 - PAGE,210PE"AT'ONI

OPERATION I SPECIAL FEATURES PAGEAmptifier Volume Override:llIFind the code that operates youramplifier. Test it to make sure it's thecorrect one

Strany 42

PAGE 48fICaringfor yourEntertainmentMachine.REFERENCE J MAINTENANCECarefuland regular cLeaningcan extend the amount of time you will have with your ne

Strany 43

.EFE.E.CEI'"O00<E "OO"NOI PAG SYI_PTOMSSOLUTIONSSnowy picture and unclear sound.Mu|tipLe images or 'ghost shadows:• Check


PAGE 50 ISome quickand easytips to fixingproblemsyourself.REFERENCE I TROUBLESHOOTINGRemote control doesn't work. • Make sure the batteries are f

Strany 45 - ...%;

,.STAL'AT,O.I OE.,NOSTA.TEOI PAGE5There are four jacks on the front of-your Entertainment: Machine that makeconnecting Audio/Video devices like v


REFERENCE 51ADVANCED SURFIn addition to your normal channel Listing, you can customize up to four different channelLists to fit different members of y

Strany 47


Strany 48 - SOLUTIONS


Strany 49 - Menu options can't be

PAGEI R F RENC I INO XHnd what youwant quickly.\FEATURE PAGE2-Tuner PIP ... 37, 51Add/De[/Su rf-Advanced Surf ...

Strany 50

FEATURE PAGEOn/Off Timer ... 29On Screen Menus ... 20-21Parental Control ...

Strany 51 - PAGE,52 I GLOSSARY

l)ire_-Vie_! Color W Welcome to the Zenith family! We believe that you wit[ be pleased with your r,ew Zenith Entertainn_ent Machine. PLease read this


O,E.AT,O.I .E"OSI PAOE21Descriptionsof at[ themenus on yourEntertainmentMachine.PienuName (cont'd)Parental Control Allows parents to block a

Strany 53 - PAGEI R F RENC I INO X

PAOE+IINS+ALLA+,ONIS+ANOA"Of/" Connectingantenna/cabLeto yourEntertainment_ Machine.Hooking up to Antenna/Direct CableLocate the Antenna/Cab

Strany 54 - Find what you

,.STA'LAT,O.I S,A.OAROI PAGE7Some cable services require the use of acable box to decode premium channeLs andpay-.per-view. Using the Loop Out to


p_GE81,NSTA,,AT,ONI STANOA.OConnecting aVCR to yourEntertainmentMachine.To hear stereo sound fromyour VCR,you will need toconnect A/V cables.Optional

Strany 56 - O,E.AT,O.I .E"OSI PAOE21

INSTALLATION I STANDARDFind the audio and compositeor S-Video jacks on the back ofyour DVD PLayer and connectthem foLLowing the instructionsprovided w

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